
Moving the Valuable Bits

Two startup founders, Bill and Henry, notice that they’re each in a pretty similar line of business, and that they get along too well to remain competitors. They’re in a new and cutting-edge field—why compete with each other when they can build something together? So they merge, and raise some funding while they’re at it. Read the rest of this entry »

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I’m Joining Yahoo!

I’m pleased to announce that I’m joining Yahoo as SEO Lead.

At Digital DD, we puzzled through the strategies behind some of the biggest SEO companies out there. But Yahoo is an order of magnitude bigger. They have over a hundred million monthly uniques; if I improve things by 1%, I’ve affected the lives of a million people. It’s hard to get that elsewhere. Read the rest of this entry »

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Guest Post(s)

No, you can’t rank well just by cultivating terrible reviews: I posted this on Search Engine Land yesterday.

And then it was cited in a follow-up story in today’s New York Times.


Guest Post: Metrics That Matter For Social Gaming Investors

I have a guest post about social media gaming metrics on Secondshares, the blog about private company stocks.

Take a look!